Sustainability training for KAMPER’s apprentices
One of the workshops organized within the newly founded KAMPER Academy invited all apprentices of KAMPER currently employed in the office and in the metal working and cabinet making workshops to develop a profound knowledge of sustainability measures. Sound use of energy, a clever approach towards energy consumption and CO2-emissions, waste reduction and correct waste separation measures were presented and their feasibility in the company as well as in private households discussed. All participants were encouraged to actively approach environmental issues.
The two workshops were organized by disposal expert Johann Schantl, FCC Austria Abfall Service AG, and energy expert DI(FH)Peter Enderle, Msc, iW consulting Engineers e.U.
KAMPER has long engaged itself in sustainability and resource-friendly production processes and these workshops reflect just this commitment. CFO Ines Kamper: “Being awarded the title Excellent Apprenticeship Company we consider it our duty to also tackle sustainability issues with our apprentices. They shall grasp the importance of environmental concerns and shall take away knowledge for their future careers and equally for their private lives. We want them to develop a clear understanding of sustainability and of the value of highly profitable reusable materials that otherwise would fill up landfills.”